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Worship & Prayer

Служіння поклоніння
Закличте до Господа, уся земле! (Псалом 100:1 ESV)

At Cornerstone Church at the Well worship of God is a real part of the life of the Church. We enjoy becoming more aware of God's presence through worshipping Him.

Taking the time to think about His goodness, to sing His praises and to express our Love for Him, in response to His love for us.

It is an honour and a privilege to get to declare his goodness every week in Bray.

If you would like to get involved in any aspects of the worship at the Well please talk to Kyle or Wayne. If you would like to get involved, there is room for more musicians and sound engineers & projectionists to join the team.


We are looking for drummers, sound engineers, bassist, guitarist, and keyboard players to add to the team for the various services we serve in.

Praying Hands

Prayer Ministry
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6”

On Sunday mornings we have a team willing to pray with anyone after the service. This is currently on hold as the services are ONLINE. This team is coordinated by Paul Perry. If you would like to get involved please get in touch with him.

Every Tuesday evening, from 7.30 pm, there is a prayer meeting in the church for the praying of God's blessing over the community of Bray, the work of the Church, the Leadership and all that God is doing within our life's as His body within this Community.

Please see our Whats' on section for up to date prayer events.


Love God. Love people. Love Bray

Наріжний камінь
християнська церква
- брей


500 Террі Франсуа вул

Сан-Франциско, Каліфорнія 94158

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